Election Judges
Assyrian GOP is always looking for election judges and does train election judges.
Please have a look at the Cook County for more information on election judges.
The County Clerk coordinates all poll workers who act as Election Judges and Equipment Managers for suburban Cook County polling locations.
Election Judges have many responsibilities and perform several tasks on Election Day, including:
- Complete online and hands-on training classes.
- Serve in a suburban Cook County polling place.
- Set up the polling place with your fellow judges before Election Day.
- Work on Election Day from 5 a.m. until the results are transmitted and the equipment has been packed up at night’s end.
- Serve voters while polls are open from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Equipment Managers have many responsibilities and perform several tasks before and on Election Day, including:
- Serve in a suburban Cook County polling place and work outside your home area if necessary.
- Complete a three-part training class and pass an open-book test after each section.
- Complete an online training course.
- Set up voting equipment (with assistance) before Election Day.
- Assist voters and manage equipment from 5 a.m. until the results are transmitted, and the equipment has been packed up at night’s end.
- Deliver materials from your precinct to a nearby receiving station
You can learn about eligibility, responsibilities, appointment, and placement and apply online for Election Judge and Equipment Manager. Information on Student Election Judges and Bilingual Election Judges is also available. Returning Election Judges, Equipment Managers, and Township Committeemen can also access this site to log in to Judge Connect.
Please Contact us for more information and to server as an Election Judge on the Election.